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Frequently Asked Questions

Hotlink Rewards - E-Voucher

  • Step 1: Open your Hotlink App and tap on the Rewards section
    Step 2: Go to e-Voucher category from the top panel
    Step 3: Browse the e-Vouchers you would like to buy. Be sure to read the Fine Print and Redemption Validity before purchasing the deal
    Step 4. Buy button at the bottom of the voucher to purchase the e-Voucher deal

  • Once you submit your confirmation of purchase, you will receive SMS. Then only your purchase is confirmed.

  • Once your purchased is confirmed, your e-Voucher is obtainable in the ‘My Rewards’ tab at the top right-hand corner in the rewards section.

  • Once you are at the outlet, present the App e-Voucher from your ‘My Rewards’ tab and allow the partner’s crew to view the voucher code and allow them to press the ‘DONE’ & ‘MARK AS USED’ to confirm the redemption.

  • From the ‘My Rewards’ tab view the e-voucher that you have purchased. Then press ‘View Reward’ button. Copy the code and paste the code when you check out at the merchant’s website.

  • Do contact the relevant merchant customer service to inform them that the promo code does not work. Some merchants may have its own terms and conditions of utilization of the promo code. Please read the fine print on the e-Voucher deal before purchase.

  • During the intended purchase of the e-Voucher, you will not be able to buy and will be prompted to top up your credit. Once you have topped up, go back to the e-Voucher and do the purchase.

  • Please allow some time approximately 20 minutes for the e-Voucher to be delivered to your ‘My Rewards’ tab. If you still have not received, please contact Hotlink Customer Service.

  • This varies depending on each partner. Some partners only allow users to purchase 1 voucher, while others allow multiple purchases. To find out how many vouchers you can buy, refer to the deal’s terms and conditions. Each deal will have a different terms and conditions, so make sure you read it carefully before buying the voucher.

  • We have put in place a double confirmation steps before purchasing the e-Voucher. As such, there will be no refund given for accidental purchase.

  • No. The function of gifting is not available.

  • Yes, there will be an expiry date. Ensure you read the terms and conditions on the validity of redemption before you purchase of the e-Voucher.

  • Unfortunately, there will not be any refund as it was clearly stated on the terms and conditions on the date of validity of redemption dates. Ensure to read the terms and conditions before purchase.

  • Please do contact our Customer Service and state you phone number, what e-Voucher you purchase and the time you purchased.

  • It means that there is limited quantity left to be purchased.

  • The deal can see be recovered in from your ‘View Past Rewards’ in ‘My Rewards’ section.

  • Deals are the ones you can download and redeem without paying upfront. Whereas e-Vouchers are vouchers where upfront payment is required to enjoy the deal at a discounted rate.

  • Customer with less than 4 months tenure will have a spend limit of RM60 per month, whereas customers more than 4 months tenure have a spend limit of RM250 per month?

  • You will be able to see your transactions listed in your monthly bill.

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